
Hey I got a shock from QRZ my first award with them for making contacts in the different grid squares in the world quite amazing didn't even try for the award but have it !!!
On February 19th and 21st my club sponsored a demo of ham radio at the Heathsville Va YMCA from 5pm-7pm each night we did psk31 on 40meters and 80meter SSB we made one contact into Antarctic on Tuesday evening had lots of fun both nights hoping we planted seeds to maybe get more people interested into the club.

New Desk for the Ham Shack in Studio A

New Desk for the Radio's built by Ed KN3E this makes all the difference while operating!!

Installed the GE Phoenix -SX

I finally got around to installing the power poles on the phoenix 16 channel radio i bought recently for studio B in the house looks good and receives great  the radio seems to be getting out well on transmit to !!

New Idea Put into Play!!

Well with the change of my internet provider I now have full access to my whole house network which allowed me to download a piece of software on all my computers which allows me to access all my computers on my network from the internet and actually control the computer remotely . What I ended up doing was accessing my ham station from the other end of the house and actually do some ham radio contacts from my recliner at the other end of the house . The only thing I can't do is tune the radio or cut it on and off but everything else I can do what a neat plan watch tv and work ham radio digital of course at the same time

New Point Comfort Lighthouse Special Event Station Successful

On August 4th with the trailer loaded with what was needed I set off for New Point Comfort Lighthouse in Matthews County Va!!. I had planned a radio activation of the lighthouse an with me were Dan W4DPL, Scott AE4TC and Charles KK4AIO. We got there by 8:30am got everything setup and was opearting by 9:30am and we worked stations until 3pm. We had issues to arise the tide came in so the water levels under vehicles got a little high which made things a little tricky we had to move the generator a few times to keep it out of the water !!!. It was a muggy day but the sun was not out in full force so the fans in the trailer made it bearable we operated 20meter psk31 ,20 meter SSB ,30 meter psk31 and were not to successful on 15 and 40 but had a blast and we made over 50 contacts during the event !! All qsl's will be uploaded to eqsl and lotw to cut back on the postage costs had a great time but forgot to take pictures and to install the matching element on the 15 meter beam so that ant...